Ataxia Foundation

The Ataxia Foundation is a non-for-profit organisation based in Sweden, Scandinavia and was founded in July 2023 and officially launched on October 2023. 

Our mission is to aid in the development of treatment alternatives and to bring awareness to those living with ataxia.

We invite anyone who shares our mission  to promote research,and to spread awareness about ataxia to apply for a membership here.

Donations and gifts to the Ataxia Foundation go to the development, maintenance and expansion of our mission statement, and, through our Ataxia Research Grant Program (ARGP), managed by the Ataxia Foundation, we aim to grant financial aid to current, and future, research projects.

Read more about our Grants here.

All memorial gifts to the Ataxia Foundation go to the Ataxia Fund.

Ataxia Research Grant Program

AFS plans to support research through funding competitive grants to advance therapeutic development for ataxia, from basic research, clinical research to drug development, we encourage all researchers, from all parts of the world, to follow our ARGP. 

For more questions regarding our Grant program, contact us here.


The Ataxia Foundation has a dedicated team of volunteers and employees working to synthesize available research data to present up-to-date lectures and slides on ataxia. We are currently working together with our partners to present and make available learning resources on different forms of ataxia.


The Ataxia Foundation is a non-for-profit foundation registered in Sweden. We are open to recieve any and all inquiries for potential collaborations. If you or your organisation believes that a collaboration with us can enhance our common goal to spread awareness of ataxia, please feel free to get in touch with us


Task Forces

The Ataxia Foundation is bringing together the best minds in various areas of ataxia research to put together Task Forces. The central role of each Task Force is to evaluate the distribution of the foundations funds among applications for research grants, to ensure the best possible outcome and use of our funds. In 2023/2024 we launch our Friedreich's Ataxia Task Force.

Statement from the Chairman of
the Ataxia Foundation Scandinavia



Dear members, associates, and supporters,


On behalf of the foundation, I would like to extend my greatest gratitude for your help and effort to help us spread awareness of ataxia. With your contributions and help, we can continuously take greater leaps to aid in the research of alternative treatments, to aid in the development of supportive care and to spread awareness of the disorder and expand upon existing research.


In this last quarter of 2023, our great team of associates together with our collaborative partners will continue to develop our platform. During this quarter, our website will undergo a lot of construction and changes and we ask our visitors to remain patient. There will be learning resources for anyone interested in broadening their knowledge of the different forms of ataxia that are known and to have access to up-to-date information. We invite any medical or research professional who would like to contribute to our project. Furthermore, we invite any current researcher or medical professional who would like for us to share existing results, trial recruitment ads, on-going trials, and published results. Please get in touch with us at if you think you can contribute in any way. We also invite anyone who wishes to contribute to the development of our foundation in other ways to get in touch with us. Everyone can do something and we take no help for granted.


We would also like to extend an invitation to anyone who is living with the diagnosis of ataxia, or close relatives that wish to share their journey and recollections to publish on our blog. There are many family members who seek familiarity, and this can be invaluable to many.


We hope you can support the foundation and make a difference to those living with ataxia,




Dr. Arsho Rad

Chairman of the Ataxia Foundation


For all inquiries concerning the foundation, please contact us on or get in touch with our chairman Arsho Rad directly at